NtdsAudit is an application to assist in auditing Active Directory databases. It provides some useful statistics relating to accounts and passwords, as shown in the following example. It can also be used to dump password hashes for later cracking.
Usage: [arguments] [options]
NTDS file The path of the NTDS.dit database to be audited, required.
-v | --version Show version information
-h | --help Show help information
-s | --system <file> The path of the associated SYSTEM hive, required when using the pwdump option.
-p | --pwdump <file> The path to output hashes in pwdump format.
-u | --users-csv <file> The path to output user details in CSV format.
-c | --computers-csv <file> The path to output computer details in CSV format.
--history-hashes Include history hashes in the pdwump output.
--dump-reversible <file> The path to output clear text passwords, if reversible encryption is enabled.
--wordlist The path to a wordlist of weak passwords for basic hash cracking. Warning, using this option is slow, the use of a dedicated password cracker, such as 'john', is recommended instead.
--ou-filter-file <file> The path to file containing a line separated list of OUs to which to limit user and computer results.
--base-date <yyyyMMdd> Specifies a custom date to be used as the base date in statistics. The last modified date of the NTDS file is used by default.
--debug Show debug output.
WARNING: Use of the --pwdump option will result in decryption of password hashes using the System Key.
Sensitive information will be stored in memory and on disk. Ensure the pwdump file is handled appropriately